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2017-04-08 11:10

   ENERPAC Client: JaraguaEquipamentos

   Location: Marcoso, Aragos, Brazil

   Products used: Enpark SBL1100 gantry crane

   Customer demand: Brazilian National Oil Company is building a new offshore oil platform, located in Rio de Janeiro coast, Santos basin oil field. JaraguaEquipamentos is responsible for the assembly of four modules of an oil drilling platform. Each module weighs more than 700 tons and Requires high accuracy and high accuracy during assembly

   Solution: After rigorous screening, Jaragua Equipamentos to choose Enpark's SBL1100 gantry crane to upgrade each module. En Pike's overall solution team uses hydraulic gantry cranes to assemble oil drilling platforms to provide an efficient and safe solution for precise positioning of 700 tons of weight.